A fast, sutureless, and bloodless male circumcision technique combining the Guillotine method and a hand tool electric soldering iron, as a method to prevent postcircumcision bleeding



Sutureless male circumcision (MC) without fear of bleeding remains an unmet need for general surgeons, nonmedical traditional providers, and parents, but the bleeding rate is still high up to 35% of the circumcision complications, particularly with the excision methods. The use of devices in MC has been gaining attention to reduce postcircumcision bleeding and adverse events.
The objective of this study was to assess the safety, efficacy, and acceptability of the hand tool electric soldering iron in MC.
Participant and methods
During the period from August 2018 to June 2019, 331 male infants and children were recruited for circumcision. All the patients underwent circumcision with the Guillotine method but with trimming of the prepuce by the electric soldering iron.
The study group included male children with a mean age of 21.8±30.29 months (range: 0.0–120 months). The mean operative time was 6.45±1.30 min (range: 5.0–9.0 min). The end results of this study were 0.0% postcircumcision bleeding, reduced healing time (mean: 7.37±2.14; range: 5.0–14.0 days), and minimal adverse events.
Applying the electric soldering iron tool is safe, simple, and effective in MC without neither suturing nor fear of bleeding.
